On Sunday, a bankruptcy trustee lodged an urgent request to close down Infowars and Free Speech Systems, the parent company of Alex Jones, and liquidate their assets in order to compensate the Sandy Hook families.
This follows a recent court decision instructing the liquidation of Alex Jones’ personal assets.
Additionally, Judge Christopher Lopez has granted Alex Jones’ petition to shift from a Chapter 11 business reorganization bankruptcy to a Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy.
Nevertheless, a few weeks prior, the judge rejected the bankruptcy restructuring of Infowars and its parent company Free Speech Systems.
According to legal analysts, the families affected by the Sandy Hook tragedy could return to the bankruptcy court and request that Alex Jones sell off his company in order to settle the Sandy Hook obligations.
The bankruptcy trustee announced on Sunday their intention to carry out a systematic closure of Alex Jones’ media enterprise.
The New York Post reported:
In an “emergency” motion filed Sunday in Houston, trustee Christopher Murray indicated publicly for the first time that he intends to “conduct an orderly wind-down” of the operations of Infowars’ parent company and “liquidate its inventory.”
Murray, who was appointed by a federal judge to oversee the assets in Jones’ personal bankruptcy case, did not give a timetable for the liquidation.
Jones has been saying on his web and radio shows that he expects Infowars to operate for a few more months before it is shut down because of the bankruptcy.
Murray also asked US Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez to put an immediate hold on the Sandy Hook families’ efforts to collect the massive amount Jones owes them. Murray said those efforts would interfere with his plans to close the parent company, Free Speech Systems in Austin, Texas, and sell off its assets — with much of the proceeds going to the families.
In December 2022, Alex Jones sought personal bankruptcy protection in a Texas court following the Sandy Hook ruling.
Prior to this, a Connecticut judge had directed Jones to pay an extra $473 million to the families affected by the Sandy Hook tragedy, according to Reuters.
This amount was on top of the $1 billion he had already been ordered to pay for casting doubt on the Sandy Hook shooting.
So how come they have never gone after all of the other people that said the same thing that Alex Jones said? Why? Because this is not about Sandy Hook. This is about ruining Alex Jones. People are entitled to their own opinion of how events occurred or even if certain events actually occurred. I personally believe those out to get Alex Jones talked these families into suing Alex Jones. The fact that they only went after Jones, when so many others said the same thing, makes it very obvious what is taking place. Welcome to the USSA.
These amounts are totally incorrect in that that they are excessive and out of reality. The US Consititution strickly forbids such action and I am surprised that it has been allowed to go forward. I think it is a case where under appeal it will be over turned by the SCOTUS. I feel sorry for the parents who were affected by this tragidy but the fault lies in the Parents lap for allowing their children to be raised in an uncontrolled atmosphere, secrecy, and dillusions. This lead to the childs mental illness and warped since of values. As far as the guns go, I can load up any firearm and lay it down and it will lay there until the atoms which hold it together fall apart with out attacking anyone. That in itself proves that guns are not the problem, it is only a tool, like a knife, baseball bat, axe, or even a motorized vehicle. It is the operator of that tool, the undisiplined person with warped values, that is at fault, or in essence the people who programmed that child, the iffrespnsible parents who should be held accounable. As for Alex Jones, if we are truly a free nation and beleive inthe Constitution of the USA, no matter how repugnant a person sounds, it’s his right to say what ever he wants to under the freedome of speech. I don’t think abridging his rights under the Constitution and then violating another doctrine of excessive fines, is the proper way to attack this problem. I am not sure what the proper way, ohter than true education, would be but continuely digging the hold deeper when your already neck deep in quick sand is not the way to address the problem.