At the start of its Thursday meeting, the New York City Council began with a prayer led by Imam Abdoulazakou Traore from the Darou Salam Islamic Community Inc.
The invocation praised Allah, recognized as the supreme deity in Islam.
Imam Traore recited a prayer in Arabic, followed by an English translation that revered Allah as the “Lord of the world” and asked for guidance for the city’s lawmakers.
The Muslim population in New York City is estimated to be between 800,000 and 1,000,000 by the New York City Community Affairs Bureau, while other sources suggest numbers as high as 1.4 million.
This demographic has made New York the city with the largest Muslim population in the country, as reported by WiseVoter.
Imam Traore commenced his invocation by reciting Al-Fatiha, the opening chapter of the Quran, a Surah considered highly significant and recited daily in prayers by Muslims globally.
English Translation:
“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the world, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help. Guide us to the straight path, the path of those You have blessed, not those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided.”
America is not longer a Christian nation.
Our Forefathers are rolling in their graves…
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NYC council is full of radical muslim wanna be’s and hate this Christian country and all it stands for. They are all democratic ultra progressives that have no respect for this country and all it has given them. Free speech, the right to bare arms, the right to own and operate a business without govt intervention. NYC is destined to become a third world city, ravaged by crime which they have never seen.
Yes, ‘allah’ IS the lord of this world…because God banished him here from Heaven.
Spot on ! The title Allah is the name for the ‘moon god of Arabia’ ! Demonic … to say the least !
Because they are all members of Hitler Democratie Party, and they hate America!! Does anyone have to say any more?
Christian and Jew alike MUST stand up and dispute the claims by this false religion! Where are their spines? Do the Christians not know that to ‘Deny me before man and I will deny thee before My Father”? That is Jesus speaking to us a fair warning that we are not to treat these false religions with kit gloves, passively, or through fear. This is, in fact, declaring satan (small caps intended) triumphs in the US and is greater than Jehovah God. Serious eternal consequences for those who turn the other cheek and remain silent.
Needing courage? Pick up and read a copy of John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. This is first-hand accounts of Saints who gave up their lives for Christ in the mid 1550’s. It is not for the faint of heart. Many stories, some short, some long. History also of the Church post-Christ. A must-read for every Christian, if that Christian is to take up the Cross. There is no turning back when satan directly mocks God and dares us to speak up!
I agree!
Amen, Dear Sister. Another outstanding book to read is The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan published in 1888. It is eye-opening if you believe the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus and are converted and die daily.
WOMEN, Christians and JEWS…..awaken.
Remember they make sure they have 6 and 7 children and they count on Americans not having children. THey feel they will take over easily in this fashion. A statement made by a Muslim. And now Biden wants to offer asylum to all residents of Gaza. Muslims have taken over Great Britain are we far behind?
The Muslims worship a false God & Zionists worship Satan. The synagogue of satan. Won’t it be nice to see them totally annihilate both sides off the planet!
I can see it now the Muslim and Chinese fighting over America.
I see how this wed site works they keep deleting my post. Not sure why I don’t use bad words or all caps, maybe they just don’t like option or the truth. SAD
I respect other religions but Islam is a Theocracy that demands submission of ‘non-believers’ and allows for death to those who do not submit. Once they gain political power, they exert their religious beliefs on others, willingly or not. Just look at what’s happened in some of the Western European countries that let Islam gain a foothold — they are no longer in charge of their own country and are being displaced by Muslims.
The world has gone completely and utterly insane. America is built on the foundation of God. I believe in one God almighty as that is what I believe. I understand other countries have their own idea of religion and good for them. But you all have no RIGHT to come to AMERICA, land of the FREE and try to make us convert to your faith. It DOES NOT belong in politics. WE are ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISBLE. Yes, many cultures make up America, you all have the right to your opinions, your religion and your way of life. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TRY TO MAKE US JOIN WITH YOUR RELIGION. The foundation of America was invite and welcome all who want a FREE life to practice their choice of religion, choice of jobs, choice of where to live, choice of how to raise your children, choice to believe in what you is right for you. It does not give anyone the right to make anyone else feel the way they want you to feel. It is also not the responsibility of the American citizens who work and pay taxes to pay the bill for you to come here and live. I worked and paid taxes and can barely survive right now due to rising costs due to politics. If you want to come to America, then stop complaining about this country, if you don’t like it, go back to where you came from and see if they will give you free food, free rent, free medical and let you mock our religion. I for one, am tired of all the complaining, all the freebees to those who have NEVER paid one tax dollar but want, want and want more. If you don’t like AMERICA, GET OUT AND TAKE ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND BIDEN WITH YOU.
Yes, allah/datan is lord of this world but Jesus Christ is Lord of the universe and already has allah/satan’s etenal home reserved (the Lake of Fire) and all those who worship allah/satan will share his fate, a fiery eternal punishment!!!!!!!!!!