A recent report by the Center for Immigration Studies revealed that over half of the foreign-born immigrant population in the United States during President Joe Biden’s administration are currently unemployed.
The report indicated that only 46 percent of migrants who arrived in the U.S. in 2022 or later were employed as of early 2024.
“Immigration clearly adds workers to the country, but it just as clearly adds non-workers who need to be supported by the labor of others,” Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler, researchers with the CIS, wrote.
This was the case in the past, it is true today, and it will surely be the case for immigrants who arrive in the future. Those who simply see immigration as a source of labor need to understand it is also a source of school children, retirees, and many other non-workers.
A recent report by the Center for Immigration Studies revealed that over half of the foreign-born immigrant population in the United States during President Joe Biden’s administration are currently unemployed.
The report indicated that only 46 percent of migrants who arrived in the U.S. in 2022 or later were employed as of early 2024.
NEW: The foreign-born population has hit RECORD highs in March 2024 of 51.6m and 15.6% of the total U.S. population. pic.twitter.com/8sfD15kgqx
— Center for Immigration Studies (@CIS_org) May 13, 2024
Since President Biden assumed office in January 2021, the report revealed a significant rise in the migrant population in the U.S., with an increase of approximately 6.6 million over a span of 39 months.
By March 2024, the number of foreign-born migrants had reached 51.6 million, marking a surge of 5.1 million compared to figures from 2022.
These migrants constituted 15.6 percent of the total U.S. population at that time.
“Many advocates for the unauthorized argue they should be given work permits so they can support themselves while they await a court date,” the researchers wrote in the report. “Of course, others worry that this would only incentivize more illegal immigration. In 2024, a larger share of new arrivals were unauthorized relative to prior years due to the ongoing border crisis.”
Another report released by the CIS in February revealed that Biden’s job creation efforts primarily focused on employing millions of foreign-born immigrants, resulting in a decrease in the number of American citizens employed compared to pre-COVID-19 levels.
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So much for the promised land and wealth the immigrants were promised by Soros and Biden. Serves them right!
Don’t laugh…our tax dollars are paying for Biden’s newcomer’s rent, food, education and health care.
Biden doesn’t care whether they work or not. All Biden cares about is increasing the population to get more democrat representation in Congress. Illegals are counted in the census which allows this increased representation (which heavily lean democrat). For the life of me, I don’t understand why these people who can’t vote (at least they are not legally suppose to vote) are included in our census for this purpose. Makes no sense to me.
Interesting. Isn’t it widely known there are Laws? Laws against hiring people unauthorized to work and/or illegal invaders in the USA?
Not terrible surprising, when they are immediately place on welfare extorted from American citizens by our own federal government. I live in Florida where plenty of illegals manage to find work.
More than half unemployed? Of course we have no way of knowing the exact number of foreign nationals residing illegally in the United States, But is not unreasonable to suggest that are many of them are not simply unemployed but are unemployable. And many don’t want to be employed because the are living comfortably off our government with our taxpayer money.
Well duhhhhhhhh. Like we, those of us who are not “woke”, didn’t see this coming. I have a 2 bedroom house that can comfortably accommodate 1-4 people. If I take in 2 or more, we all suffer. It’s the same with the U.S.
Allowing millions of 3rd world trash into the country will ruin it for everyone who was born here or immigrated through legal channels. There’s only so much food, shelter to go around. It belongs to the people who are here Legally and paid their taxes. Ones doesn’t rob Peter to pay Paul.
Shame on anyone who thought letting these 3rd worlders into the country was a good idea. Shame on those people that bragged that “America” was a wonderful place. (I’m reminded of that song (They’re coming to) America by that Jew Neil Diamond. Shame on anyone that supports the 3rd world freeloaders.
Well, the most important question is WHY do the 46% have a job at all. This nation has an E-verify for employment that REQUIRES the applicant to be a US citizen or a valid Visa holder.
So 50% of the 11 million illegals allowed into America are not working and living off of taxpayers money. Of the working 50%, how many are on partial gov assistance of some kind. And the getaways????? If they got away, how can they really count them. Now let’s add in education, health care and policing costs. Then we have the processing and free travel to the destination of their choice, minus some areas where they are not wanted, like wealthy democratic cities. I’m sure I’m missing some costs, but you get my point. These cost are well into billions of dollars, all tax payer funded. These people are not working but are given free money to spend. This free money is printed or borrowed from other countries (China). Too much money chasing fewer goods and services. The illegals are the reason that inflation is so high. Now throw in the illegals that have been here for years and the “government assistance “ they have been receiving. And the democrats are doing this purposely, to destroy this country. The illegals are the biggest threat to the republic.
They should ALL be unemployed….. WHERE is Mandatory E-Verify
@CountryBoy: Agreed. These foreign parasites shouldn’t even be here. Letting all of this foreign riff raff into the country is like cramming 100 people into a two bedroom house. The house gets completely destroyed and everyone suffers. Shame on FJB and the DemoRats for allowing this mess to get out of hand.
I want to know where these foreigners got the idea that it was okay to invade the country and then rape/murder the citizens and demand money and housing?? You don’t see millions of American Citizens goose stepping their way into other countries and demanding to be housed and fed.
Unemployed ? They should ALL be DEPORTED ! Why the Hell were they even let in ? Where were our Republican Congressmen ? And why were the American people (citizens) not more demanding for border security ? Well, because American’s have become too lazy to be bothered and want someone else to do it. So this is what we get- NOTHING WORKS anymore, our country has gone to $hit.
Lets get real here half of the illegals entering the USA are on a mission and a job is not one of their goals!!!!!! FACT!!!!!!! Does anybody pay attention??????
Thanks a lot, Joe Biden, the worst President in US history! Why can’t the national news people say Joe is only trying to get more voters and people to help him steal elections, the Democrats greatest skill. They tell all the young people they will give them “free everything” so we were all proud “Democrats” fresh out of high school, but after a few years of seeing national corruption by Democrats many of us became Republicans in a defensive reaction. Soon it will all end and we will collapse, many, if not most wise adults will be killed and the remainders will be working on learning Mandarin.
These illegal immigrants did not come here to work, they came here to mooch off the tax paying American citizens!
Is this due to DIE? OH wait, they call it dei! Anyway, it was named wrong. I insist they call it diversity inclusion and equity!