Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem recently shared significant news on Fox News about the agency’s decision to end grant funding to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that misuse their funds to assist illegal migration into the U.S. This move aligns with the reversal of Biden-Harris policies, which has allowed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to conduct raids targeting “criminal aliens,” including those guilty of severe crimes such as rape and murder. This action fulfills President Donald Trump’s promise to take decisive action on the southern border and illegal immigration.
In her appearance on “The Will Cain Show,” Noem emphasized that the agency would cease federal aid to NGOs, accusing them of facilitating an “invasion” of the U.S. while misusing taxpayer dollars. She declared, “Today we are announcing that we have stopped all grant funding that’s being abused by NGOs to facilitate illegal immigration into this country. So it’s amazing to me the hundreds of millions of dollars that have been spent by the federal government that has been sent to NGOs to facilitate this invasion of our country.”
Her statements reflect a firm commitment to ensuring that taxpayer money is used to fortify the nation rather than weaken it. Noem stated, “So I’ve taken action to stop those funds to reevaluate them and to make sure that we’re actually using the taxpayer dollars in a way that strengthens this country that keeps us safe.” This move highlights a proactive approach to national security and fiscal responsibility.
Noem further noted the importance of scrutinizing how grants distributed by federal agencies are utilized. “I think people are curious when we look at grants that are given out by federal agencies at how they’re utilized, and that evaluation needs to be done. We’re not spending another dime to help the destruction of this country,” she emphasized. Her words underscore a determination to adhere to the promises made by President Trump regarding border security and the deportation of illegal immigrants involved in criminal activities.
During a press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt addressed the issue of NGOs aiding illegal migration. When questioned by the Daily Caller’s White House correspondent, Reagan Reese, about whether President Trump plans to permanently cut off funding to such NGOs, including Catholic Charities, Leavitt affirmed that she was “quite certain” he did. She pointed to an executive order signed by the president as evidence of this commitment.
A report by NewsNation in June 2023 highlighted the role of various organizations, including religiously affiliated nonprofits, in assisting illegal migrants entering cities like New York. For instance, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service reportedly received over $93.1 million in government grants in 2021, constituting about 80% of its support. This revelation fueled discussions on the ethical use of taxpayer dollars.
On “The Will Cain Show,” Cain detailed the extensive financial support NGOs have received in recent years. Noem pointed out that many of these organizations have operations on both sides of the border. “What’s been so revealing is that many of these NGOs actually have infrastructure and operations set up in Mexico on that side of the border that are telling those illegal immigrants to come to them, and they will get them across the border,” she explained.
Noem shared her evolving perception of NGOs, expressing initial admiration for their charitable missions. “I was one of those Americans that years ago when somebody said NGO to me I thought, ‘Oh that’s amazing. That’s a nonprofit that’s out there telling somebody about Jesus or spreading faith and salvation or doing good work and charitable work helping people that are less fortunate.’ Then I realized over the years it’s been perverted into this shadow government,” she remarked.
She accused some NGOs of acting as a “shadow government,” performing tasks that the federal government is unable to do legally. “An NGO is sometimes an operation that does things that the government cannot do — can’t legally do. So they create an entity to use government dollars, taxpayer dollars, to do something that the federal government isn’t allowed to do,” she warned. Her comments reflect a concern about national security and the proper use of federal funds.
Sources have revealed that during the Biden-Harris administration, a network of NGOs worked alongside government agencies to aid in the resettlement of migrants into the U.S. According to the USA Spending database, federal spending on loans, grants, and contracts with the keyword “immigrant” has seen a noticeable increase since 2020. This sparked further debate on the role and reach of NGOs.
One particular program from the previous administration, Welcome Corps, allows groups of individuals to sponsor a refugee. This initiative highlights ongoing discussions about the responsibility and oversight of NGOs involved in immigration efforts. The debate centers around balancing humanitarian aid with national security concerns.
The Daily Caller News Foundation, a nonpartisan newswire service, underscores the public’s growing interest in the financial dealings of NGOs. The Foundation provides insights into how these organizations operate and the impact of their activities on national security and immigration policies.
In the political arena, the actions and strategies of NGOs continue to be a point of contention, especially among those advocating for stricter immigration controls. The right-leaning perspective is clear in emphasizing the need for accountability and transparency in how federal funds are allocated and used by these organizations.
Discussions about NGOs and their influence on immigration policy are likely to persist as the nation grapples with the complexities of border security and humanitarian responsibilities. The ongoing debate reflects broader concerns about the balance between aiding those in need and protecting national interests.
The role of NGOs in immigration efforts underscores the multifaceted nature of the issue, with various stakeholders advocating for different approaches based on their ideological beliefs and policy priorities. As the conversation unfolds, the importance of clear, effective policies that reflect national values remains paramount.
For those following the developments closely, the actions taken by the Department of Homeland Security signal a significant shift in how the government approaches the intersection of immigration, security, and the use of taxpayer dollars. This shift aligns with the broader agenda of securing the border and ensuring the responsible use of federal resources.
As the nation continues to navigate the challenges of immigration and border security, the role of NGOs and their funding sources will remain a critical topic of discussion. The focus on accountability and transparency highlights the ongoing quest for a balanced and effective approach to these pressing issues.
The conversation surrounding NGOs and immigration policy is a microcosm of the larger political and ideological debates shaping the nation’s future. It reflects the complexities of governance in a diverse and rapidly changing society, where differing perspectives vie for influence and impact.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem said “I was one of those Americans that years ago when somebody said NGO to me I thought, ‘Oh that’s amazing. That’s a nonprofit that’s out there telling somebody about Jesus or spreading faith and salvation or doing good work and charitable work helping people that are less fortunate.’ Then I realized over the years it’s been perverted into this shadow government,” she remarked.
Me too Kristi and I figure most stand up American citizens have been thinking the same over the decades! But no more, so many things about America have been perverted, twisted; ripped-off and falsified, that now all I’ve got to say to you is; keep up the great work and “Never Give an Inch!”
God bless you and America!
Since the current pope was elected, being a devout Socialist first and a Catholic second, he has completely changed the direction of the Catholic faith! He has defrocked any priest who disagrees with him and turned off more Catholics from their faith then the coverup of the pedo priest have. His appointment of a new Cardinal who is a big supporter of illegal invaders to an opening in the capitol area sice TRUMP was sworn in was a direct insult to the millions of AMERICANS who are facing financial difficulties in their everyday lives because of the billions being spent of what I call ” INVADER CARE” by the former administration. It is to be noted that any one trespassing on the Vatican grounds is subject to a jail term of up to 15 years. How’s that for being a hyprociate? Want to know if a lib is a hyprocriate? Ask them how many illegals they have living with them and are supporting 100%. If they answer NO, you have your answer!
Great move. Keep swinging!
This is great. I am sick of people hiding behind religion to sell out our country. Keep up the good work.
misschrissy, agreed and just like Scriptures say that in the end time many will come appearing as lambs but be ravenous wolves inside!
It’s time we finally find out where our taxpayers money went to and start indicating these officials breaking our laws. These people need to be held accountable for conspiring with illegals groups to smuggle illegal and drugs into our country. This is Treason at its best by our own government and these people belong in prison. Taxpayers money should not be spent on any illegals in this country or anywhere else. Our democrats government spent Trillions of taxpayers money on illegals aliens that should have been used to help America Americans citizens. Government officials involved in these treacherous acts should be arrested and prosecuted immediately and put in prison for a long time. And these judges who let any of these illegals out on bail should be removed from the bench and charged dereliction of duty. They aren’t holding up the constitution of America and should be fired immediately.
Sue, you are right, and just reported that Biden’s administration misappropriated hundreds of $Billions! But think about the fact that they in the Demoncrap party pushed a Green New Deal and when Biden took office the National Deficit was about 23.5 $Trillion as Trump left it! Then to now we have a deficit approaching 40 $Trillion; and think of it that kind of debt created in just one presidential term, never seen it not ever!
I say it’s much worse for America than what anyone is letting on and they intentionally scammed us all; and it was the giant fleecing of America! What did that Green Deal do; NOTHING! What did Hundreds of $Billions to Ukraine or the same kind of money spread around to bring in tens of millions of Illegals and just let them feed off of us; that is helping our Nation survive and We the Citizens? No it’s the opposite it’s about tearing it all apart and us with it! Where is Social Security that Citizens paid for over the decades going to come from in this out of control death spiral that the Demoncraps have put the nation into!
Every decent God fearing person had better pray and we need divine intervention!
Note: Again, another of Trump’s nominees has provided us another opportunity to witness the true character of so many people claiming to represent the Democrat party and/or the so called Progressive Movement. Sadly these sessions also demonstrates that my lessons learned providing that Americans are the most effectively lied to people in modern times and that arrogance minus knowledge equals stupidity are valid. Soldier/Cop, Retired
My fellow Americans, as an 82 year old soldier/cop serving primarily in counter-terrorism and installation/community security activities throughout most of my career (joined army while Eisenhower was in office) I have been trying since 1986 to make each of you aware of the primary threats to you, your family, and your country. I have asked Americans over and over again what will it take for you to stand up and take back those rights given to you by God and promised to be respected/protected by our founding fathers when they drafted the Constitution? From what I see/hear/feel each and everyday since Joe Biden stole the presidency I must admit to the American people that those of us serving in the military and/or as police officers have failed to protect you from all of your enemies both foreign and most especially domestic.
Now, In consideration of all of the corruption/incompetence/treachery/etc., coming forth under the brightest light ever thanks to the Biden/Harris administration and their bosses/supporters here and around the world, I am just asking where most of you Americans stand in regards to your rights/roles/duties as citizens.
Seems the arrival of Donald J. Trump followed by Biden’s theft of the Presidency has stripped us all naked to expose not only the sores on our bodies, but those on our souls as well!
The lessons learned I am presenting to you may give you a glimpse into the inner world of a government that devotes most of its time/energy ruling you versus serving/protecting you from the vantage point of one who served in government from the municipal through the federal level as a soldier and cop.
Most of the lessons learned (Note: After the Biden/Harris administration’s performance to date in dealing with hurricanes Helene and Milton, and now the ongoing disaster in California displaying in roaring flames the incompetence/corruption of the far left dominated governments, I have only included those lessons learned most relevant to the current situation and eliminated those that may overly stress many of you.) were originally drafted in the late eighties as the prelude to a book titled: ‘Rape, Pillage, Plunder; America, You’ve Been Had!’ The Department of Defense denied permission to publish the book in that they classified an investigation detailed therein that named a gaggle of politicians and bureaucrats at every level of government as subjects. Three of those subjects went on to be elected to the office of President of the United States of America!
NOTE: Newest and hopefully best lessons learned first.
*Donald Trump, is the American people’s last hope and the only “Battle Captain” to ever serve as our Commander-in-Chief is now standing tall among us. America, are you willing to stand with him?
*The end goal of the World/American elites and their minions is not (nor ever has been) socialism, communism, fascism, or capitalism. The elites of the World/America and their minions have used all manner of ideologies, religions, terrorism, wars, etc., to drive the masses/peasants/serfs/whoever/whomever/whatever in one direction. That direction leads to one of the oldest forms of human control ever employed in the history of mankind. That form of human control is; “FEUDALISM!”
* The ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ according to a survey of Vietnam era ground combat veterans listed of the order of their importance to the veterans are; Candor, Competence, Consistency, Commitment, Courage, Compassion, and Courtesy. The reason the veterans chose “Candor” first and foremost, is because candor encompasses both omission and co-mission. To a combat veteran the lack of absolute candor, be it co-mission or omission, are equal sins! It has been my observation that, democrats are masters of co-mission while republicans are masters of omission! How many politicians do you know who even attempt to follow the the Seven C’s of Leadership?
*The American people are the most effectively lied to people in modern times thanks primarily to the political class, the bureaucracy, the media, and academia.
*The greatest threats to the American people are the hoards of self-serving, corrupt, and/or incompetent politicians/bureaucrats/academicians found at every level of government/academia, and the majority of the so-called media.
*The second greatest threat to the American people is that presented by radical Muslims bent on ridding the world of non-believers, installing Sharia as the only law of the land, and Islam as the world’s only religion. Note: For all of you non-Muslims who think you support Islam I strongly suggest you carefully study the game plan supposedly first presented by Mohammad (The Prophet) in the early 600’s and the current socialization/cultural practices of the current Iranian government. I submit unless you are a sadistic male you will not enjoy life as a Muslim.
*Most of the politicians/bureaucrats/academicians/media types I have encountered during my years as a soldier and a cop I currently refer to as; self-serving, witless, corrupt, incompetent, cowards. Prior to retiring to the deep woods I referred to most of the before mentioned folks as self-serving, witless, corrupt, incompetent, cowardly, piss-ants. After retiring to the deep woods I came to know that piss-ants are neither self-serving nor witless, and certainly not cowards!
*There are only two primary requirements to be a career soldier and/or cop in America. One must be smart enough to do the work and dumb enough to take the job.
*American soldiers and police officers must in addition to mastering all of their professionally mandated tasks learn to accomplish the same with at least one arm tied behind their backs, and their vision and hearing impaired 50% or more.
*After carefully watching the whole of the political class for many years I can say without reservation that most of the group will sell their souls and our bodies just to remain in power.
*Want to see what the United States of America will look like if the left/progressives take total control of the government? Take your pick, New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, or the complete packages; California, New York, Illinois, etc, etc, etc…..!
*Arrogance minus knowledge equals stupidity (A – K = S!).
Have a nice day,