Tenet Media reporter Tayler Hansen conducted a series of interviews at a San Francisco Pride event, including a rally and march, uncovering prevalent public nudity and explicit content despite the attendance of numerous children.
Video from the event depicted individuals taking part in the celebrations in a state of full nudity.
When approached by Hansen, almost all of the nude participants shrugged off worries about children being in attendance at such events.
One individual, sporting face paint, staunchly supported public nudity when questioned by Hansen.
Should nudity be more welcoming around kids?” Hansen asked.
“Yes,” the man immediately responded. “None of the crybabies and parents who complain about it can never explain exactly how a child is harmed by seeing a human body. Every study that’s been done on the subject shows that it’s not harmful.”
Another interviewee, who initially covered himself before speaking with Hansen, shared a similar sentiment.
“I think that kids are born naked and that as long as there’s not any kind of sexuality added to it, that it’s just nude. That’s all it is,” he said, before removing his covering and continuing the interview naked.
“We were all born this way, why be ashamed of it?” said one participant.
“If you don’t want your kids to see what goes on at Pride, don’t bring them,” another nudist remarked. “Not everything needs to be kid-friendly.”
Hansen also had a conversation with a mother and her children who were close to the event while using a playground.
The mother conveyed that her nine-year-old daughter felt “uncomfortable” with the presence of naked men nearby, and they attempted to avoid looking at them.
The daughter expressed that a naked man wearing only a mask made her feel “disgusted.”
Hansen raised concerns about the permissibility of public nudity in the presence of children, discussing this issue with a police officer present at the event.
The officer clarified that nudity is allowed “within certain limits” and only becomes unlawful if it is motivated by “sexual gratification.”
“Even with kids, it’s fine to be nudist as long as there’s no masturbation or anything like that?” Hansen asked.
“Yeah,” the female officer responded, with another officer nodding in agreement.
It’s probably best to just keep your kids away from pride events altogether.
The pedo party at their best
ya our world is for pedos and queers what has the law created !!!
Our country is turning totally insane
Unfortunately you’re right.
Morality, decency and pride in self have definitely left this country since minorities have become more prevalent. We should have left the closet doors closed.
Hummmm, it seems, and I might be wrong, that this is a gay male thing and not female. I do not remember seeing any females dancing down the streets in their birthday suits, or did I miss something? I thought men and women were equal so represntation should be equal too. hahahhah
Public nudeness encourages sexual thoughts, feelings, and action. This is tearing down the morals of Americans. All of our lives in America, nudity was frowned upon and against the law. Why now do we consider making nudity legal because people of aberrant sexual beliefs want nudity on the street? Who is running this country?
This is a gay male thing. It’s called pedophilia. When are the people going to stand up to these degenerates and demand the end of this evil.
never because half of them are running the countries !!
What else would you expect from the San Franfreakshow????
This is a gay male thing. It’s called pedophilia. When are the people going to stand up to these degenerates and demand the end of this evil.
Funny how this crap doesn’t go on in conservative areas around the country. Maybe us “rednecks” are on to something with our alpha-male attitudes.
yes you are. its called morality. all rednecks have it. too bad the queers didn’t get the morality gene. makes you want to buy land, fence it in, and dare these things to come in.
. this is disgusting. public nudity is just that. I can’t wait until sanity returns to America in 2025. these are nothing but exhibitionists. that is a mental illness. maybe if everyone started laughing and pointing they might put on clothes. real men need to step up and take care of the issue. you cant keep your kids from seeing this crap, as they are everywhere you look. time for those closet doors to reopen and stuff these things inside once and for all. make it a felony punishable by life imprisonment to expose yourself to anyone. there has to be a cure for this craziness. lets find it now.
Just more proof that Calipornia is rotten to the core.
Bunch of sickos!
Conservatives won’t find anyone to do it but they need some dudes to “volunteer” to walk around nude, all day and night in front of the San Fran City Council, Mayors’ office, and in every neighborhood where all those “politicians” live. Take that stuff right to them in their own comfortable surroundings and see how their families enjoy it.
JUST THINK: Had the constitutional framers (like their early 1600s predecessors) established government and society upon the Bible’s immutable/unchanging moral law (including Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Deuteronomy 22:5, etc.), there would no out-of-the-closet, in-your-face LGBTQ movement proselytizing America’s children to their perverted lifestyle because no sodomite, lesbian, and/or “transgender” would dare risk exposing themselves (pun intended) to petition government for their “rights” or to parade their wares in public.
For more on how the Bible’s triune and integral moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments) apply and should be implemented as the law of the land, see free online book “Law & Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant” at bible versus constitution dot org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title.
Then “A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government.”
Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”
Immoral and disgusting. Hope all the locals are proud of their depravity.
We don’t go around naked because we are not animals. We were created in God’s image and not to act like the rest of the animal kingdom.